Personalised 12 microcycles (weeks) of online personal training.

Various workouts for continued progression.

Exercise videos included to demonstrate correct techniques.

Appropriate sets, repetitions and recovery for development.

Ten minute weekly call to discuss progression.


Email or call Simon to discuss what you are looking for. This could be a marathon programme, a 5km plan, or even a general weight training and fitness plan. All is accessible via Training Peaks, in which you will be connected to Simon’s coach account.

I will then start devising your Online Personal Training Programme on the Training Peaks application.

During our weekly call to discuss how training has been, we will discuss the results and what sessions lie ahead. TP offers a huge amount of statistics which can help us improve success in achieving your goals.


Simon is currently an active mobile personal trainer in Edgbaston, Birmingham. Professional personal trainer with over a decade of exclusive one to one training experience covering professional athletes, post-physiotherapy rehabilitations, sport performance and specific fitness goals for individuals.

Simon acquires a HNC in Sport and Exercise Sciences and holds British Athletics, Weightlifting and Cycling qualifications. He enjoys watching athletics, football, cycling and weightlifting, and lists his former coach John Graves as his role model. More information here.

Why Choose An Online Personal Training Programme?

Online personal training is for people who cannot visit a personal trainer, or prefer to train to their own schedule.

If you are looking for someone to keep track of your training, then this is the best option for you.

If at anytime you feel that you need to brush up on technique, then you arrange an online video call to run through technical points.

Programmes can take up to a week to administer upon purchase.

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 07540581977
