Category Fitness & Well Being

How to Lose Weight

The recommended percentage for body fat for optimum health is between 20-29 percent for women and 15 to 19 percent for men. Women tend to store more fat for reproductive reasons. A low body fat doesn’t always mean that you…

How to Gain Lean Muscle

In order to gain lean muscle you need to train at a controlled high intensity movement pattern with a low number of repetitions. If you are seriously dedicated about developing lean muscle I have found 3 sets of 8 repetitions…

How to get a Six-Pack

How to get a six-pack

The rectus abominis is known colloquially as the six-pack. This abdominal muscle is located on the anterior side of the abdomen. It’s main role is flexion of the trunk and to provide core stability. Ideally to see the abdominals visually,…

Healthy Carbohydrates

What are healthy carbohydrates? Firstly, carbohydrates are stored energy and are the most important source of food energy in the world, providing energy at the rate of 4kcal or 16kJ per gram (g). They are synthesised by plants from water…